Hey guys, hope you are all well!
Almost half way there now! I can't believe I have been doing a shopping ban for 7 weeks now, its mad... Although I have been a little naughty this week and purchased a Natural Collection lipstick in Coral Shimmer at £1.99 andddd The Soap and Glory Supercat carbon black estreme eyeliner at £6, well, I technically paid for this with my Boots points card so that doesnt count okay ;) I know I've been a little naughty, but this week was my hand-in date for my dissertation, so I believe I deserved it!!
Also, if you saw my previous post, I snapped...again. I brought a Bloom foundation £16, Kate Moss for Rimmel lipstick £5.49, another magazine and Natural Collection Strawberry body spray £2.
I feel awful about it, I really do.
My lovely better half also treated me to a lovely blue blouse from Primark and a vest top to go with it, (which is featured in my latest OOTD post) so I'm happy with that :)
This week has consisted of: MAJOR essay writing, uni lectures, travelling to/from uni, two shifts at work (hence the major rush with uni work) a meal out with family, and a meal out with my better half, and thats about it really! :)
My BEST news of the week has to be that i have FINALLY HANDED IN MY DISSERTATION!
So happy and relieved it is out of my sight!
Weekly Lusts:
Bourjous 123 Perfect Foundation £10.99
17 Va va Voom Mascara £6.29
How has your week been? Anyone else escaped the dissertation writing this week?
Hope you are all well :)
Sunday, 29 April 2012
Saturday, 28 April 2012
The Color Workshop Lipsticks
The Color Workshop Lipsticks
These are a gorgeous selection of lipsticks I had in a giftset I recently re-discovered. The pigmentation on the red and pinks is remarkable, and the gold is a beautiful sheer which would look amazing on a night out!
These are a gorgeous selection of lipsticks I had in a giftset I recently re-discovered. The pigmentation on the red and pinks is remarkable, and the gold is a beautiful sheer which would look amazing on a night out!
I am in love with the darker pink and pinkish red - they look gorgeous on, and suprisingly, have quite long-lasting wear as well.
They are a definite new must-needed addiction to my make - up kit!!
Have you tried out any Color Workshop products that have stood out to you?
I'd love to know!
Comment or tweet @zoelianne_x
Love, me. xxxxxx
Monday, 23 April 2012
I snapped.
Yes, I snapped. Half way through my spending ban, I dont even know what happened. But I went on a small splurge. I feel gutted at myself. I am going to continue after this (minor) fall back though so don't fret :D
If you follow me on twitter @zoelianne_x you will have seen a sneaky peak into what I purchased. I haven't had chance to upload that picture on here yet, but I brought:
More Magazine £1.50
Bloom Liquid Foundation in Base one £16
Rimmel Kate Collection Lasting Finish Lipstick in 08 Rossetto £5.49
I feel awful! I need tog et back on track!!
Sorry for this very shoddy rambley post!
Sunday, 22 April 2012
New Blog Awards!
Hey lovelies, hope you are all well
This is an award post, hence the title. The ever so lovely Mollie has nominated me with not one but 5 awards, what a babe!
Check out her blog, Its pretty amazing if I'm honest, and a lovely read!
The awards shes nominated me:
Liebster Award
Kreativ Blogger Award
11 Questions

I have previously been nominated for the Versatile Blog Award and Blogger Appreciation Award, so I will put the links to those posts above as I have already answered those questions :)
Liebster Award
For the Liebster Award you have to tag people with less than 200 followers. I love this, because I am a huge, huge fan of reading smaller blogs. The tags will be below! :)
Kreativ Blogger Award
7 Random thoughts about myself:
1. I sometimes think I'm crazy and think my life is like the film with Jim Carey ''
2. I love coffee, my all time true love!!
3. I spend a lot of time talking to myself. This may sound crazy, but I am contstantly speaking to myself at home to remember to do things!
4. I love having a tidy bedroom, but it never seems to stay that way for more than a day :(
5. I am absolutely in love with blogging, I am an avid blog reader and much prefer reading blogs to watching TV
6. My favourite drink (bar coffee) is Ribena or orange juice
7. I have a little obsession with minnie mouse; shes such a Disney icon and so cute!
11 Questions
Questions by Mollie
1. Pink or red nails?
I do love pink nails, but my nails are almost always red when painted. I thik they just give a lovely look to pretty much most outfits, and I think its a really classy nail colour.
2. Who is your role model?
I don't really have one to be honest! I take advice from everyone and look upto so many people, inspired by everyone around me.
3. Your favourite cereal?
To be honest I’m not much of a cereal lover, cause I dont eat breakfast (naughty). But I love weetabix.
4. What are you wearing right now?
A purple buttoned blouse from Dorothy Perkins, with gold beading at the top and is covered in floral patterns and frilling. With a grey/brown loose cardigan from LittleWoods, and some Primark skinny jeans in a pale denim.
5. What is your next post going to be?
I have no idea yet, possibly a makeup review or shopping ban update :)
6. What is your favourite song at the moment?
Its an oldish one but Ive rekindled my love with Drake-Marvins Room
7. What are your bedsheets like?
I have black bed linen. My duvet is also black with white squares at the top and bottom.
8. Name your top three films.
The Hangover
Dirty Dancing
9. What shape sunglasses do you wear?
I don’t know the name of the style, but I like the small, cat – like sunglasses (a little pointed up at the ends) If anyone knows the name of these let me know!
10. What is your haircare routine?
I wash it with shampoo and leave conditioner in my hair for about an hour, wash it off, towel and blow try it, put heat protection spray on it, straighten, then backcomb my hair with hairspray. Bit basic really, I dont do a lot with my hair.
11. Who is your favourite band/singer?
Charlie Simpson/Fightstar
My questions for you:
1. What is your favourite hair look of 2012?
2. What are your holy grail make up items?
3. If you could be any person, who would you be, and why?
4. What is your favourirte coffee/tea?
5. Tell me your current skin care routine.
6. What is your fondest memory?
7. What is the best tips/advice anyone has given you for your make-up/fashion/skin care?
8. Whats your favourite scent/perfume?
9. Your favourite drugstore make up brand?
10. An interesting fact about you.
11. What is one thing you would like to achieve in your lifetime?
Again, a huge thank you to the lovely Mollie for tagging me!
There are a few different (amounts) of people you have to tag for each award, but thought I would just pick three blogs to award, as there are so many!
I tag:
...because I simply love to read your blogs!
Lots of love xxx
Friday, 20 April 2012
Shopping Ban Update: Week 6!
42 days in and 58 days to go, this excites me as I am almost half way through, yay!
Not alot to to tell you all really!
The only money I spend this week was literally on a driving lesson and bus fare on Friday - that is it.
Are you impressed? I am.
I worked three days this week, was at Uni one day and at home doing Uni wrok the rest - I haven't even had chance to look online or in shops nevermind do any shopping!
My week has been veryyyy boring so not a lot to say really!
Thanks to some lovely followers suggestions I have a few ideas for some very exciting future posts (well I think so anyway) so do check back soon!
Weekly Lusts:
Essie Nail Varnish in Funny Face £7.99
A few half empties I've found hidden in my room that I tried to use up this week:
This was how my Tuesday night was spent. Hardcore.
Hope you are all well!
How has your week been?
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Review: No 7 Stay Perfect Totally Teal
330 Totally Teal
The good:
Lastability - does not chip for about 4/5 days
Gorgeous colour
Brush is good, easy application
Not so good:
Price tag £7 for a 10ml polish - bit heavy for nail varnish in my opinion
Doesnt come off easy with nail varnish remover.
Definitely! Gorgeous colour, lasts well, a thumbs up from me!
Photography all my own.
Just a short post today folks! Hope you are all well!
Have you tried this polish? Let me know
Comment or tweet @zoelianne_x
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Shopping Ban Update: Week 5!
Hey lovelies, hope you are all well,
So I'm now five weeks into my shopping ban - 35 days in and 65 days to go!!
This week has been an extremely busy one for me. I have struggled to squeeze in time to blog and do assignment work, as I've worked full time every day; and will do so today (Saturday) unfortunately *sob*, so just a day off Sunday, so am very tired! I litterally haven't been upto anything remotely interesting, usually I go out for a meal/drink with the better half, this was aimed on Friday ngiht but everywhere we went was full! Very stressy at the minute with lots of studying and uni work to do!
I haven't even had any chance to go shopping this week to be honest, so all my money has gone on this week was my driving lesson, food/drink and thats about it really! I did fall a little, brought a magazine BUT with my Boots Advantage card points, so not really spending pennies so its all good. This ban is so hard, I will be honest, but I'm trying to look at it from a different perspective, and hopefully I will be able to appreciate my money afterwards and not be so wasteful in the future.
And exciting news, well I think so anyway. My lovely boyfriend has booked us a weekend away for my birthday in May, so very much looking forward to that! :-) I'm trying to think of other things to do too though, as it will be my 21st, I want to celebrate a little extra, so if you have any suggestions do let me know!!
Weekly lusts:
Turquoise Lady Bow Bag from Topshop £25
Peace Studs from Topshop £3.50
Floral Shorts from Miss Selfridge £32
Hope you are all well! What have you been lusting after this week?
Zoe xx
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Fragrance on a Budget: Next Just Red
Next is famous for its best-selling perfumes - I'm sure you have all tried them and loved them.
This review is on Next's Just Red EDT
Price: £12 for 100ml
The good:
The scent is nice if it is worn lightly
The scent is floral, and remind me a little of pot purri
The price is good for a 100ml bottle, as most Next perfumes, they are a reasonable price
The not so good:
The scent, when worn heavily, can be a little overpowering for my own liking, so I would definitely wear it very lightly
The packaging - now, I do think the packaging is OK to look at, but my bottle, maybe it is just mine, is not good - the 'print' on the bottle keeps chipping. I only have to pick it up and there are little bits of this red chipping everywhere!nMy bag was covered in these flakes from the bottle - gross. Its driving me mad, I hadn't knocked it or dropped it or anything!
Would I repurchase:
No - and this has nothing to do with the fragrance - but the chipping bottle has annoyed me too much to buy it again (maybe I'm just fussy haha)
Hope you enjoyed :)
Comment or tweet @zoelianne_x
Take care xxx
No - and this has nothing to do with the fragrance - but the chipping bottle has annoyed me too much to buy it again (maybe I'm just fussy haha)
Hope you enjoyed :)
Comment or tweet @zoelianne_x
Take care xxx
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Blogger Appreciation Award!! :-)

I have also been nominated by another lovely lady Ellie for this award too, so thank you lovely! Ellie has a lovely blog, and her product reviews are straight to the point, honest and always very helpful. Definitely go check her blog out, its very good!
Thank you to both ladies for this award, I really appreciate it! Both girls have lovely blogs which you should all defintely check out!
1) Thank the person who awarded you, and leave a link on your blog
2) Answer the 4 following questions
3) Award this award to as many people as you'd like
4) Let the people know through a comment/tweet/message
1) Thank the person who awarded you, and leave a link on your blog
2) Answer the 4 following questions
3) Award this award to as many people as you'd like
4) Let the people know through a comment/tweet/message
How long have you been blogging?
Since December, so only 4/5 months :)
What are 1-2 reasons you started blogging? I just really enjoy reading blogs, and thought I'd throw my own thoughts out there. I never expected that anyone would be interested in it, so thank you if you are! Means a lot :-)
What type of blogs do you like to follow/read? I really, really love OOTD's, as I am absolutely awful at putting outfits together, so I get my inspiration from those. I love reviews on new beauty products, and hauls and tutorials are great too!
What is one thing you'd like to improve as a blogger on your blog?Probably my writing - I will admit now my English language probably isn't its best. I love writing, but my choice of words aren't exactly something you could throw into a JK Rowling novel. I guess I am not the most creative with words, so would love to get my thoughts across using better language I guess, if that makes any sense at all, hehe.
The people I nominate are these two blogs I am loving at the moment, which are: Gracie & Daphne - A blog I love, love to read :-)
Lauren - I have only recently discovered this blog and I love it :)
I also wanted to say a little thank you to Miss LV for adding me to her blog roll... she is very sweet and is giving her followers the opportunity to be added to it, how nice is that!
Hope you are all well!
Take care :)
Friday, 6 April 2012
Fragrance on a budget: Accessorize
Hey guys! This is my second post of the day - to make up for my absence!
This is part of a new series I plan to post, about 'budget' perfumes/scents and fragrances and my general opinions on them. After all, we all love a bargain.
This weeks fragrance on a budget is Accessorises original scent!
Price: £15 for 50ml
Accessorize is Monsoons sister store which sells absolutely gorgeous accessorises - I love it.
So a few years ago when they brought out their first fragrance I jumped at the chance.
It is everything you would imagine from an Accessorize perfume. Very, very sweet, girly and floral.
The good:
Packaging is simply as gorgeous as you would imagine - The bottle comes in a lovely white box covered in pictures of flowers, and the bottle, as you can see for yourself is very cute.
The scent is gorgeous, very, very floral.
The price!
The not so good:
Unfortunately, as much as I love this scent, it isn't very long - lasting. It last for about 2/3 hours during the day.
I haven't come across this scent in a bigger bottle than this 50ml bottle, which is a little dissapointing as it would save from having to repurchase so often!
Again, a 50ml bottle doesnt last long, especially if you use it nearly every day like me!
I have only found it available in Accessorize stores, Monsoon and Boots at Christmas time (in a gift set).
Would I repurchase?
Yes, I have several times and would definetely recomend it if you like girly scents, but not if you are after a perfume which will last all day.
Have you tried this Accessorize fragance? Or any of the newer Accessorize perfumes?
What are your thoughts on this weekly or fortnightly post series?
As always, comment or tweet @zoelianne_x
Shopping Ban Update: Week 4!
Hi guys, hope you are all well?
Sorry I have dissapeared for a week. If you read my last blog post, you iwll know my laptop decided to completely go mad and has Lost all of my things... ALL of my work, photos, everything has gone... and now it wont even connect to the internet. Not happy.
So I'm using the house computer when I can, but haven't really had much time, as this week (and next week too) I have worked every day, and I've also been trying to fit in some essay writing too. So sorry for that! Cant wait for a few weeks time and I can get fully back into my blog! :)
Enough rambling.
I haven't been upto much this week really, apart from a driving lesson, work, a friends birthday party, and a bit of studying.
This is a photo of me and my sister (I'm on the left!) before going out doing the compulsory teapot pose! ;)
This weekly update is slightly early, but thought i'd get it up here while I can.
To be honset, this week has been okay. I haven't brought anything for myself in so long (Okay, I know its only been a month but its a big change for me hehe!) I'm sort of getting used to it. I did kind of crash mid-week though - I brought a hair dye.
I'm trying to justify it as 'I needed it, my roots were getting really bad' - but I know I shouldn;t have brought it. I feel so guilty!
I will insert a photo of my newly dyed hair here soon! :)
This week I've just brought food and drink, hair dye and a driving lesson. I haven't had to use public transport as I've been off university for Easter Holidays this week, and I walk to work so that kind of cancels out the money on the hair dye.. I think. Not too bad really :)
My weekly lusts:
Max Factor false lash effect 24 hour mascara £11.99
Babyliss loose waves hair styling wand 2307U £24.99
Hello flawless oxygen wow! brightening make up £24.50
Umberto Giannini incredible body root boost volume spray for big hair £5.49
I really, really want to buy a new top just for that excited shoping 'buzz'!
Have you brought anything exciting recently?
Comment below or tweet @zoelianne_x I will always get back to you :)
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Shopping Ban Update: Week 3!
Hi guys, hope you are all well.
This week I've been VERY busy, its ridiculous how busy I have been! Sunday is my only day off (and I rarely get Sunday's off, so I took the chance this week and grabbed it with both hands!), so I will forever cherish it and spend it sorting out my bedroom, doing washing, drinking a ridiculous amount of coffee and off-course reading far too many blogs. Hence this blog on this very fine Sunday afternoon. Such a cool kid.
My boyfriend did treat me to dinner out this week though which was nice of him. Although I begged for him to buy me a magazine (More! Magazine if you were wondering, Charlie Simpson was featured in Alan Carr's column!!) and he said, and I quote "No you're doing this shopping ban, I'm not getting it for you, I'll tell everyone you cheated!" :| How is that classed as cheating if he brought it? Not nice :( *plays violin*
My boyfriend did treat me to dinner out this week though which was nice of him. Although I begged for him to buy me a magazine (More! Magazine if you were wondering, Charlie Simpson was featured in Alan Carr's column!!) and he said, and I quote "No you're doing this shopping ban, I'm not getting it for you, I'll tell everyone you cheated!" :| How is that classed as cheating if he brought it? Not nice :( *plays violin*
I am (kind of) getting the hang of this ban now, although it does not stop me from lusting after just about every beauty product known to man.
My money has gone towards bus fare, driving lesson, new work trousers (mine ripped - classy bird), phone contract, lots of birthday presents/birthday meals/drinks at birthday parties (I've had far too many peoples birthday events this week), food and a few bottles of pop. Pretty boring really. :(
Weekly lusts:
Rimmel Lasting Finish Lipstick Kate Moss (in 03 and 08) - £5.49
No. 7 Airbrush Away Primer - £19.50
No. 7 Vital Brights Lipstick (in Blooming Pink) - £10
Tweezerman Paw Print Mini Slant Tweezers £15
Printed Pink Tee - £8
Just to let you know, I've been having major internet problems. My laptop has broke, lost all my Uni work, photos, everything.... *sobs heart out* and my laptop has now decided not to cooperate and connect to the internet. So my blog posts may not be as often as I would like them to be, but just wanted to give you a thumbs up. Hope you understand!
How has your week been?
Have you brought anything exciting lately?
Comment or tweet @zoelianne_x I will always get back to you.
Love Zoe xxx <3
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