Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Time Away

Hello! I doubt many will read this as I haven't written here in quite a while. Well, to me it has been quite a while because I think it has been about three or four Months since I last posted, which I think is quite a long time away from blogging. I have been quite consistent throughout the entire six Years I have been here on this little corner of the internet, posting at least once or twice a Week for the majority of that time. I know I don't owe anyone an explanation for my time away; blogging has always been just a hobby of mine where I tap away at a computer for a few hours a Week and I have never felt any pressure to write blog posts or anything like that.
Recently I just stopped enjoying it as much. I was finding what I was writing about a little bit boring to be honest. I love make up and I love clothes and I will always be partial to a rant about something (some things will never change) but I was just annoying myself. There is only so much I can say about bath bombs and subscription boxes. My photography is below average (I'm totally okay with that, too!) and I do ramble on a lot when I write about things (that is just who I am), but I am super proud of my blog. It is not perfect; much like myself, but it has always been honest. It is something I have worked on when I have had free time and enjoyed it a lot. Because of my blog I have had the opportunity to go to some great events, meet new people, and work with amazing brands, as well as making a friend for life. I'm really grateful for that. Through some sad times it has been something to do to take my mind away from other things.
 I don't want to wave goodbye to something I have worked on for such a long time (I am no quitter - I still have my neopets account from 13 years ago. No shame.) but I do feel like I have changed a lot and don't enjoy writing the same content as I did six years ago. I'm not quite sure where I am going with this piece - much like my usual whittlings on, I just tap away my thoughts as they pop into my tiny brain. I suppose I just wanted to write down my thoughts as cliche as that sounds, and keep it documented here like I have done many times before. Maybe I'll be blogging regularly again or maybe it will be every so often, I'm not sure.

Saturday, 25 March 2017

Quick and Easy Low Calorie Lunches with Mr Lees Noodles

I have mentioned a few times on my blog I am trying to change my eating habits and lead a more healthy lifestyle. One thing I do find difficult is lunches. I find keeping lunches balanced and fairly healthy a real challenge without finding them boring - I have flat bread with salad or soup most days for lunch, and although I do enjoy these, they do become a little bit boring and repetitive for me. I want something with a lot of flavour that I can make quickly at dinner time and that will curb my hunger for a few hours.

I was recently contacted by the lovely people at Mr Lees Noodles; a brand I wasn't familiar with previously, to try out some of their pot noodles. I did a little research and found that Mr Lees Noodles make instant pot noodles soups which are low in salt, sugar, saturated fat and calories, and are also gluten free. Compared to the likes of Pot Noodle and Golden Wonder Noodles, there is quite a difference in the amount of calories and saturated fat that they contain when compared to Mr Lees Noodles. For example, Pot Noodles calories per pot are around 433 calories, whereas Mr Lee Noodles calories per pot are 215-237 calories. I thought that was quite an interesting difference and wanted to see if they were just as tasty as the bigger brands.

I was kindly sent one of every flavour to try. My favourites were the Penang Chicken Curry Laksa which is full of flavour, and I also really enjoyed the Tai Chi Chicken too; it was super tasty and actually quite filling. Chicken is probably my favourite when it comes to noodles so it was no surprise that these were my faves!
Mr Lees Noodles are available in a variety of flavours, which include:
  • Dragon Fire Mushroom
  • Hong Kong Street Beef
  • Penang Chicken Curry Laksa
  • Shaolin Monk Vegetables
  • Tai Chi Chicken
  • Warrior Fighting Shrimp
These are super quick to prepare as you just need to add boiling water and give it a stir. I think they are ideal for lunches at work or a quick lunch at home. I find these sorts of food items are great to keep in stock in your food cupboards as they usually have a really long use by date and are a great alternative if you have no fresh produce in at home. I really like the convenience of quick lunches like these and it is good to know that they are low in fats, sugar and salt.
Mr Lees Noodles are currently available to buy online here if you wanted to give them a try yourself.

*PR sample*

Monday, 20 March 2017

Not Another Lush Haul?!

Okay, so... another Lush haul. Whoops. I just can't seem to keep away lately. Everything looks so cute and I want it all. I popped in to my local Lush recently and told myself I would allow myself to buy ONE thing. Just. One. I don't need any more bath products I told myself, I have storage full to the brim of the stuff. Alas, I managed to pop more than one item in my basket, naughty Zoe.

Just look at this little cutie, I couldn't leave him there could I?! The Baa Bar Bubble Bar is perfect for just before bedtime, it is a lavender scented one and creates a really soothing atmosphere, and makes quite a good few bubbles too. I also bought the Mum Bath Bomb in pink, but silly me forgot to photograph it and I used it pretty much as soon as I got home from shopping that day. It is a really nice one and super affordable too. The Mum Bath Bomb created a lovely pink bath and smelt a mixture of lemon and roses.

Just. Look. At. Her. Elsie the Giraffe (You're Havin' a Bath) Reusable Bubble Bar is probably the most adorable product I have ever seen in Lush. This creates a fair amount of bubbles and smells of lemons and limes; a zesty scent lovers dream. The lovely sales assistant that was helping me that day told me she had got ten uses out of hers. I didn't really believe her, I've never managed to get more than four uses out of any Lush bubble bar, even the wands. BUT she was right and I was so, so wrong to dismiss it because I've had ELEVEN - yes, eleven uses out of mine so far and still have a tiny bit left. Well worth the money in my opinion. Note to self: always listen to Lush employees!

My main reason for going into Lush that day was because I wanted to have a sniff of the Yummy Mummy shower gel. I decided it wasn't the scent for me and got distracted by the Plum Rain Shower Gel as it smells beautiful and I kind-of want to shower in this forever. Okay that is a bit of an exaggeration but take my word for it, it smells lovely. The scent is a strong fresh plum, sadly the scent doesn't seem to linger on the skin for very long afterwards, but I still really like it and will more than likely buy it again.
I am the ultimate impulse buyer and I always manage to pick something up when I'm stood by the till: this is one of those purchases. I have tonnes of lip balms and certainly do not need to buy any more for at least a Year, but I am a bit of a magpie when it comes to zesty scented products so this Key Lime Pie Lip Balm came home with me. As lip balms go, I think this is a pretty expensive one. I've only used it a couple of times so far but it seems to keep my lips moisturised and smells of lime so in my eyes it is amazing.

Have you picked anything up from Lush recently? Is there anything you really want to try?

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Wonderful Things: Afternoon Tea, Busted Concert and more!

I was treated to an afternoon tea for two gift experience for Christmas which was super lovely and as I am a big foodie and a big tea and coffee drinker I was super excited to get it booked up. I went with a friend and we had the most amazing afternoon tea; with soup, hot crumpets, finger sandwiches, scones with clotted cream and jam and of-course lots of teeny tiny delicious sweet treats and hot beverages. Anyone that knows me well knows that anything ditsy and floral print is right up my street and the decor inside was just beautiful. It was such a lovely day, I would definitely recommend Jelly Pickle Jam if you are local to Evesham or are visiting.

I really like Yankee as a brand, but I just buy their sampler votive candles these days as it gives you a chance to see if you like the scent for just £2, rather than investing in a jar costing around £18. If I'm honest I've found that some Yankee scents aren't very strong and have been a bit of a let down, but not this one! Macaron Treats smells gorgeous and brightens my mood when its burning; it reminds me of times from when I was young - its just a lovely, sweet scent.

I love having false nails on my nails, it is probably one of favourite 'pamper me' type things to do. I've never been very good at growing my own nails, and after using false nails so much in the past, my nails are really weak and tend to break. I have given false nails a rest for a while so I can look after my own nails a little bit better. I was challenged recently to try the Renunail 3 Step Kit* out to see if my nails would strengthen in four Weeks. Included is their original Nail Strengthener, Nourishing Oil and their Nail Strengthener in pink. I've been using this kit for probably over five Weeks now, and I've noticed such a difference. You simply apply the Nail Strengthener every day for one Week, remove on the seventh day and then continue this pattern for the next three Weeks. Alhough my nails haven't grown all that much, they haven't broke and they do feel stronger and look in much better condition than before. I will be purchasing these products once they've run out as they have worked really well for me, so these have definitely been wonderful products for me this Month.

I am big Busted fan (13 year old Zoe was completely obsessed with them back in the day) and having seen them for the first time in over ten years last year on their comeback tour, of-course I had to buy tickets to the latest tour too. They were brilliant as always; we were standing this time and I always think its a much better atmosphere compared to seating. I think Busted will always have a big piece of my heart, regardless of what anyone else thinks, their music really makes me happy and reminds me of being young. I didn't take any photos while I was there, I try to enjoy the moment when I go to concerts (plus being a tiny 5'1 I can't really take any decent photos as I cant see the stage too much!) so here's a selfie of me wearing last Years tour t-shirt.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

NEW IN: Sleek Brow Intensity and Lip VIP in Ready To Rock

It is no secret that I love writing about my love for Sleek makeup products on my blog - just check out my product directory; I've featured so many Sleek products on here over the Years, you can really tell its one of my fave brands. I have two new products to share with you today, and heads up - I am really impressed with both of them.

I adore this shade of lipstick, isn't it just beaut. The shade 'Ready To Rock' is a dark nude pink/mauve colour. I find it a really great shade for everyday wear, it isn't quite a matte finish and leaves a shimmer to the lips. I can't praise Sleeks Lip VIP Lipsticks enough - they stay put on the lips, last a fair amount of time and have a gorgeous and vast amount of different shades to choose from, and all for the tiny price tag of £5.50. I'm planning on writing a separate post dedicated to my Sleek Lip Vip lipsticks with lots of swatch photos, watch this space.

Another new product from Sleek is the Brow Intensity. This handy little tool has a tiny mascara-like wand with a sponge tip on one end to shape and define the brows with the coloured fibre gel, and a highlight on the other to define your brows. I really like this product, particularly the brow gel product as it is a great match for my brows, isn't messy and actually lasts really well throughout the day and keeps my 'brows at bay. The highlight is great to use under and over the brow arch too, I only wish it was a slightly lighter shade highlight, but this is just a personal preference.
Brow Intensity comes in five different shades which I think is pretty good considering a lot of brow products tend to come in only two or three shades.

*PR samples*

Saturday, 4 March 2017

My Cath Kidston Glasses

I have been a glasses wearer for a good while now. I don't wear my glasses that much, (although I should probably wear them more often than I do) but I do wear them for reading and when I'm sat at a computer. I used to get frustrated at secondary school as I didn't think I suited glasses so always picked glasses with very slim frames. As time went on I realized these glasses really didn't suit my face shape and started to choose different frames and found I absolutely love thick, square frames, and that is pretty much the style of glasses I have bought over the last five years. Towards the end of last Year I bought some new glasses and I just love them, and thought it might make a slightly different blog post to my normal beauty posts.

These are the Cath Kidston 10 frames and are available at Specsavers. I really like the dark purple frames and how thick and square they are. I also like how the branding isn't plastered all over the frames, but love the light pink floral image inside the frames. I love pretty, girly, floral things in life but I don't think I can quite pull off floral patterned glasses just yet, so these are a great alternative until then.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

A Little Lush Haul

I'm a little late to writing this post, as I picked these two up before Valentines Day, but as I love chatting about all things Lush, I'm gunna share it anyway.

I never usually buy products at Lush this time of the Year; I tend to buy loads of stuff at Christmas and then come the New Year, I don't venture into the store for a good while. I saw a few pictures online and wanted to try some things out, so I went ahead and picked two items.

The main reason I wanted to make a purchase was because of this little cutie. This is the Ladybird Bubble Bar. This creates loads of bubbles and I got two uses out of this. It creates a gorgeous red/purple tinted bath water and smells a mixture of sweetness and a fresh mint scent, I cant quite put in to words the scent of this, but if you can get your hands on this I would definitely recommend having a sniff. Other than it being an all round good product quality-wise; it is also so adorable to look at, how cute!

Now if you love sugary sweet scents, Creamy Candy Bubble Bar is definitely one to pick up. It is slightly similar to the Snow Fairy scent so if you love that, you'll more than likely love this too. This turns your bath water to a bright pink and produces quite a few bubbles too. I also felt the benefits of this one on the skin as it left my skin feeling very soft. This is one of Lush's extremely reasonably priced products costing just £2.95. I managed to get two uses out of this, but I think if I bought it again I'd probably just use it in one bath for extra bubbles.

Sunday, 26 February 2017

Beautiful Blooms from Blossoming Gifts

Is there really anything more lovely than having a beautiful bunch of flowers delivered to your door?

Why not treat yourself or the ones you love to a stunning bouquet from Blossoming Gifts. They cater for all budgets and have a huge selection of flowers and gifts to choose from. With Mothers Day just around the corner, Blossoming Gifts really are worth checking out.
The stunning bouquet I picked is called Rose & Iris Ready to arrange. I adore roses and they are my favourite flower. I just love to see such gorgeous bright yellow roses alongside the pretty blue iris. I love the contrast of these colours together, I think it works really well and the flowers are just beautiful.

I was so impressed with the delivery, they arrived packaged really well in a box and I was looking forward to being a little creative and arranging them in a vase. I did cut them down ever so slightly to fit well into the vase after taking these photographs. I am definitely no florist but I think I have done an okay job at showcasing these pretty petals.
I'm certainly no flower expert; yet I did mainly pick this gift as I wanted to be able to arrange the flowers myself and I just loved the vibrant colours. We have them in a shabby chic looking vase on our kitchen windowsill and they make me smile every time I walk past.
I received the flowers over 2 and a half ago now; and they are still going strong - the blue iris only recently begun opening up. I think they will probably last another Week which is pretty impressive.

*PR Sample*

Monday, 13 February 2017

GIVEAWAY: Mac eyeshadow & Ecotools Makeup brushes

Hello loves,

I haven't got a blog birthday or anniversary coming up, I just really fancied treating you guys to a giveaway. I haven't done one in a while now and I wanted to treat one of you to something special, as a thank you for reading and following my blog. I really am so grateful for everything from my readers, followers of my blog and other bloggers over the Years.

I've done giveaways before and as my blog is mainly beauty focused, I decided to include beauty items for my giveaway this time. One lucky winner will receive an Eco Tools Brush Set and a Mac Eyeshadow of their choice (current line).

All you have to do to enter is to be following my blog via GFC or Bloglovin (or both!) - you can also gain extra entries for following me on social media, commenting on other blog posts & retweeting a tweet, all you have to do is follow the instructions on the rafflecopter form below :)

Good luck!

The giveaway will end on the 13th March. The winner will be picked at random using a website. I will contact the winner via email within 72 hours. If the winner does not reply within 72 hours another winner will be picked.

Saturday, 28 January 2017

House Of Wonderland Jewellery Club Unboxing

We've seen plenty of different varieties of surprise subscription boxes over the past few Years; food, beauty, games... one of my favourites is definitely jewellery. I've always been a fan of cute and quirky jewellery and I just the love the thought of wearing a piece that not that many people will own. 

House of Wonderland is a handmade jewellery and accessory brand that sells some gorgeously cute pieces.  As well as stocking a wide selection of pieces on the main website, HOW also have a second website Jewellery Club, which is a surprise subscription service that every Month you receive a themed parcel of cute jewellery which is limited edition and not available on the HOW website. 

I was kindly sent Novembers package 'Pizza Party' - which as you can see, is fast food related! I just adore the pizza necklace, it is so funny and cute. The Fries before Guys earrings and party hat earrings are so sweet and I have had so many compliments when wearing them, with people always asking where I got them from! My favourite is the soda bracelet, it looks lovely layered with friendship bracelets and seeing the cute little soda cup popping out. I love that their were stickers included with all of this lovely lot too!

If you love cute and quirky jewellery or looking for a gift for someone that does, why not check out the website? 

*PR Sample*

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Cath Kidston x Disney Haul Part 2: Minnie and Mickey

You've probably already heard the craze over the latest Cath Kidston x Disney collaboration.
I think Cath Kidston fans went wild over this collab, as the online pre-sale was absolutely insane! I spent far too long waiting and struggling to make an order, in the end just ordering the next Day. Most of the items I had wanted to buy had obviously sold out by that time, which is a shame. I'm glad I managed to pick up a few items from the collection anyway.

I picked up this cute pencil case in the print Linen Sprig. I don't use pencil cases these days, so I will probably use this as a small make-up bag. It is super cute. I already have a few of the Cath Kidston key fobs, so I thought it would be nice to add a Disney key chain to my keys. I love the cute ditsy print on Mickeys feet.

The last item on this order was the card holder in the print Minnie Mews Ditsy. I've been after a card holder for a while now for my store points cards, and never really got around to hunting a nice one down, so when I saw this Disney one I was super pleased it was still available to order.

Strangely enough, a few Weeks after pretty much everything had sold out, I received an email from Cath Kidston stating that they had managed to get back some items in stock. It didn't explain how or why, but a lot of the bags and purses had been added back to the site, so I went along and ordered the bag I wanted all along, which was the .Minnie Linen Sprig Small Boxy Bag.

I just adore the prints in this Disney Collection, I cant wait to hear which Disney characters will be part of the next collaboration with Cath Kidston!
You can check out what I bought from the first Disney and Cath Kidston collab in my blog post here.

Monday, 23 January 2017

Sleek Rockstars Collection

Sleek are one of the best budget beauty brands available in the UK, and always have something new up there sleeve that doesn't cost the earth and are also just as good as the top brands. They recently launched their Rockstars Collection, which includes some beautiful products: two I-lust palettes, two strobing souffle's, and two Lip VIP lipsticks. I have one of each products that I have been using over the past few Weeks, and it is safe to say I am more than impressed.

I wear quite a lot of Sleek's Lip VIP lipsticks, so I already knew that 'Superstar' would be long-lasting and pigmented. Its a beautiful shade of purple and is very striking, great for fans of vibrant and bold lips. This leaves a pearl fleck finish to the lips, which gives a metallic/glossy look. The lipstick almost looks two - toned once applied. I think this lipstick has a really beautiful undertone to the vibrant purple which makes it look really bright.

The I-lust palette 'Hidden Gems' includes six bright, pigmented and incredibly creamy shadows that are full of glitter and sparkle. There is a mixture of shades and has a great selection for a glam night out. I wanted to give a special mention to the shade Ruby Red, it is very pigmented which is something I rarely see in red glitter shades, it is beautiful and I want to wear it all of the time!

The strobing souffle is a very new concept for me, I'm definitely an amateur when it comes to highlight and contour, never-mind strobing. The shade 'Smoky Quartz' is a luminous gold and gives a great glow. I apply this instead of highlight near my cheek bones and it gives such a gorgeous shimmer when the light hits. I find this so easy to apply and it lasts pretty well throughout the evening.

Some of the products from the Rockstars Collection are currently reduced in price online at the Sleek website, so are well worth checking out.

*PR sample*

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Why I Stopped Giving a F**k

For as long as I can remember, I have felt incredibly self-conscious, so much so it consumed me. This isn't something new; lets be real here, its easy to get sucked in to these conformations made by society.
Over the Years, my lack of confidence and self-doubt has ruled over anything else I have set my mind to. I've pretty much become a shell of the person I once was (quirky, a little bit weird, BUT happy). I stopped going to certain places and doing certain things because I thought that people would judge me. Not only on my appearance; but on my life choices, my opinions, my hobbies, my sense of humour, my lifestyle. I thought that there was something wrong with me. My mental health was at a tipping point and I didn't want to do anything, I didn't think I was good enough.

Why the f*ck do we let what other people think/what society thinks/what we think other people think stop us doing the things we enjoy? I think I have finally had that epiphany moment in life where I've realized how sh*t some people can be and how the pressures and demands of having a picture-perfect life is absolute trash.
I'm fully aware that I don't have a flat stomach. I have dark circles under my eyes and blemishes on my cheeks. I get words mixed up and make myself look stupid most of the time. My home decor would never been seen on the likes on Pinterest. I'm un-organised and messy and easily irritated and I hate kale smoothies and I don't like sexism nor find it funny. Most of the time my hair resembles the likeliness of a hedge and I'm not interested in fitting in. I'm certainly not anybodies idea of perfection. For Years I would have loved to have some form of validation by other people. Why did I care? Why on earth did I crave society's ideal of looking a certain way, dressing a certain way, acting a certain way. It made me incredibly miserable. Never being able to achieve that high standard of perfection made me feel down and now I'm wondering why I wanted that. Its not me. And that is okay.
You don't have to prove yourself to anyone. If they don't like you, f*ck 'em, you're you and you're an absolute babe living your life for you so its their loss. Do the stuff that you like and spend your time with the people that plaster a massive grin on your face.

Friday, 20 January 2017

I'm in my mid twenties and don't know what to do with my life.

Remember when we were young and full of ambition, hope and passion for the future? When I was younger I wanted the world. I wanted a great career, I wanted a nice car and a big house with a jacuzzi. An amazing married life, complete with a dalmatian puppy. That was it. I felt deep down that achieving those things would make me happy.
Fast - forward to my mid twenties and I'm now asking myself "What happened to those goals?"
Did I give up on them or did I change my mind? What happened to all of the ambition I had and why didn't I pursue things further? Am I a failure for not sticking at it or focusing on other things in life? Is there something wrong with me??

Right now, in this current moment, I'm uncertain on what I actually want to do with my life. I feel like this is common for a lot of millennials. A lot of my peers are getting mortgages, having babies or have just landed that promotion of their dreams. I've spent Months of feeling down about not achieving certain milestones in which society has drilled into us that we need to achieve by a certain age and time frame. I've felt crap about myself and have spent so much time worrying and stressing and comparing myself to other people, that I haven't even thought about if I actually want any of these things. I'm quite happy living with my family. I'm not even sure if having children is something I even want in my future at all.

What I have only just come to realize, is that it doesn't matter if you achieve these 'milestones' that the world would like us to, in the order it would like. In fact, it doesn't really matter if you don't achieve any of these milestones at all. As cliche as it may sound; as long as you are living your life the way YOU want to, and doing things that make YOU happy, there really is no need to get caught up in comparing yourself to others. There really is no time limit - you are never too old to start learning something new. To try something different. To do things that you want to do, and when you want to do them. Life is short, and I'm going to try my best to live the rest of mine happy, whether that means that I never have a six figure salary and 2.4 children - I'm trying to be happy, and live. I'm not trying to convince the world I have a perfect life.

Statement Purple Lip with Kat Von D

Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick in Ayesha review and swatches,

Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick Ayesha Review

Kat Von D beauty being available online at Debenhams has kind-of been a huge deal in the beauty blogging world recently. From the look of other peoples videos and blogs, a lot of people have been making orders now that Kat Von D is readily available to order online with ease in the UK, thanks to Debenhams. I may or not have just made a cheeky little (huge) purchase myself. 

I really love a bold lip. Bright reds and corals, I find, are very difficult to pull off for me, so I do tend to choose bold pinks and purples as they seem to suit me much more. I love the whole vampy/gothic look with purple lipsticks, I just wish I was brave enough to wear very bright purples all of the time. I have actually discovered a purple which I feel comfortable and confident wearing any time, any occasion, which is this Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick in Ayesha.

The shade Ayesha a gorgeous vibrant and incredibly pigmented muted purple. It is quite a grey/nude purple and is such a unique and bold shade. A lot of the purple lip products I own are either very dark or quite lilac toned, so it is great to see an in-between shade.
I just love the staying power of this lip product. It stays put for hours, doesn't smudge or fade, I really do just love it. I'm not usually a big liquid lip product wearer, but this sets into a gorgeous matte lip and isn't sticky and my lips don't feel like I am wearing any product. It even stays put after drinking and eating. The Everlasting Liquid Lipsticks are made with natural moisturising ingredients which makes sense as to why they leave the lips feeling soft.

Have you ordered anything from Kat Von D beauty? Which are your favourites?

*PR Sample*

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Christmas Lush Goodies

It seems a running theme over the festive period on my blog that I feature a lot of Lush products. There is just something about a lovely scented bath over the Autumn and Winter Months.
I'm super grateful to have received two lovely Lush gift sets as Christmas presents. The first one is Rudy. Silly old me did the unthinkable and didn't photograph the gift set when it was all wrapped up nicely (naughty blogger, tut tut) but I love the wrap gifts at Lush and I'm sure I will find a use for the cute Reindeer wrap. Inside Rudy includes two bath bombs: Butterball and Shoot For The Stars. Butterball is a good all-rounder bath bomb, it doesn't give an amazing display in the tub, but is very kind to the skin; leaving it smelling and feeling very soft. Shoot for the stars on the other hand; as you can see, turns your bath water a bright glittery blue and smells of orange and honey.

I also received the Jingle Bells gift set, that includes another two products; Father Christmas Bath Bomb and Peeping Santa Bubble Bar. I was so grateful to receive Peeping Santa as I have been wanting to try this for ages and my local store never seemed to have it in stock. The scent is very similar to fresh strawberries and gives a lot of bubbles, as well as a cute pink/red tint to your bath water. 
I've used Father Christmas before and it is one of the best Lush Christmas bath bombs ever in my opinion. This one turns your bath water into festive green and red swirls, and finally displays only a vibrant green tint to the bath. It is a very sweet scent and smells a little similar to Snow Fairy shower gel.

Small Christmas Sales Haul

Normally, I get up ridiculously early on Boxing Day, check out the sales online, as well as heading to my local shopping centre to pick up some bargains. For the first time in a really long time I passed on the sales shopping, and didn't really plan on doing any sales shopping at all, well, until I came across a few things online at Boots when I was buying my toiletries. In fairness though, I was very restrained, I could have gone crazy buying things but I think I did well and only picked up a few little bits.

I am always on the look out for small and reasonably priced perfumes to throw in my bag for work, and as this worked out at only £4 half price for three little perfumes, I thought it would be ideal. I really like the So...? fragrances too, especially So...? Kiss Me.

The only item I knew I really wanted to pick up from the Boots gift sale was the Zoella Lifestyle gift set with the travel mug and gloves. I really love the colours of the travel mug and I have somehow managed to lose my other one so I actually needed a new one! I like how her branding is really subtle on this. The gloves will come in handy too, I always need gloves.

I also picked up the Little Mix Wishmaker EDP gift set. I'm not ashamed to admit I am a fan of quite a few celebrity fragrances. I really liked the scent of this one, it is a very sweet and fresh scent; and I love that the gift set came with fluffy socks and bubble bath, which I thought was a little different than what is usually included in perfume gift sets.

Did you manage to pick anything nice from the sales?