This blog is PR Friendly :)
To contact me please email
I check my emails daily, I will always try my best to get back to you.
Other places to find me:
Facebook: Zoe Lianne Blog
Twitter: @zoeliannex
Instagram: zoeliannex
Ways you can follow my blog:
- Hellocotton: zoeliannex
- She Said Beauty: zoeliannex
- Bloglovin: zoe lianne
- Google +: Zoe Lianne
- GFC: by clicking 'Join This Site' on the right hand side
Disclaimer and Disclosure Policy:
From February 2014 any products I have been gifted/sent for review for PR purposes are marked with an asterisk (*), or there will be a statement at the end of the post if it has been sent for review. I only accept products which I feel are suited to my blog, and I will always give a 100% honest review of any item sent to me.
From time to time I may post collaborative and/or sponsored posts on my blog. In this case, this will always be stated at the end of the post.
- GFC: by clicking 'Join This Site' on the right hand side
Disclaimer and Disclosure Policy:
From February 2014 any products I have been gifted/sent for review for PR purposes are marked with an asterisk (*), or there will be a statement at the end of the post if it has been sent for review. I only accept products which I feel are suited to my blog, and I will always give a 100% honest review of any item sent to me.
From time to time I may post collaborative and/or sponsored posts on my blog. In this case, this will always be stated at the end of the post.